Our Projects
Keeping Them Safe
Keeping Them Safe - delivers effective, informative, and educational programs for adults of all ages and circumstances. These programs focus on the primary prevention tools that are at the heart of all of our programs and publications. The emphasis is on raising awareness among responsible adults about how to identify and interrupt the potentially risky behaviors of adults in the environment, so children never have to know they are at risk. This workshop is a two-hour presentation led by a facilitator - in person or online. It is interactive and also includes the basic information for reporting suspicions of abuse to state protective services and basic information about dealing with disclosures of abuse from children. It combines the IRT information in a format that focuses on preventing sexual predators from succeeding in their objectives and, at the same time providing adults with the tools they need to deal with abuse if it happens in their school, community, neighborhood, family, or organization.
"Sharon stepped into this topic and captured the audience's attention with her entertaining comments and sidebars while sharing her professional expertise... One of the best parts of her presentation was how she custom-designed it to be relevant for our small, rural school while also placing it in the broader context of our culture." Jeanene Barnett, Superintendent of School, Bristow Public Schools, Bristow, Oklahoma
Keeping Them Safe - The Play
Keeping Them Safe is an interactive play that educates adults on how to identify and interrupt the grooming behaviors common to sexual predators. With minimal sets, community actors bring situations to life that adults encounter every day. The play and the accompanying scenarios allow adults to look at real-life situations, consider the risks they might not have recognized, and leave with some idea of how they can interrupt these potentially risky situations and protect children from sexual predators.
Every adult can learn how to identify the behaviors of possible child molesters and stop them before they harm our children. The play engages them in the reality of how predators work and speaks to them about practical ways they can impact the situation and prevent sexual abuse.
Keeping Them Safe by Arpeggias
Keeping Them Safe by Arpeggias teaches adults how to prevent child sexual abuse by identifying the risky behaviors and situations that allow others to prey on their children.
Adults also learn what predators mean by “grooming” and how to interrupt the grooming process so that children are never molested. The tools adults get in this presentation empower them to protect children in a new, effective way that can alter the future of children and families.
Arpeggias will customize training for your audience and your budget. The goal of the company is the eradication of child sexual abuse on the planet beginning with stopping those abusers who profess to care about the child. Providing training that helps adults create and expand safe environments for children can be adjusted and customized to meet the particular needs and resources of any group.
Launched the week of February 13, 2023, KEEPING THEM SAFE with SHARON DOTY- the Podcast is available to anyone who wants to listen and participate. The conversations concentrate on raising awareness about the issue of child sexual abuse prevention and providing practical actions that responsible adults can take to interrupt the “grooming” process and prevent child sexual abuse from ever happening. Join us - look for us on your favorite podcast platform and join in this conversation. You can be part of the solution that ends this risk for all children. This link to the first episode will provide you with all you need to know about the podcast, its goals and objectives, and how it can assist you in becoming an Alert Adult and part of the KEEPING THEM SAFE community. Click to listen.
PROFESSIONAL training and presentations
Keeping Them Safe also offers effective, informative, and educational programs for professionals. These programs focus on the primary prevention tools that are at the heart of all of Arpeggias programs and publications. The emphasis is on identifying and interrupting the potentially risky behaviors of adults in the environment so children never have to know they are at risk. These workshops are available in one or two-hour formats. They are also interactive and include the basic information required by State and Local guidelines for reporting suspicions of abuse.
Sharon is a powerfully effective speaker who engages listeners from the beginning. She is down-to-earth and thoughtful and customizes her presentation to the audience. She is as effective in a room with six people as she is in an arena with several thousand and leaves everyone with the experience that they just had a personal conversation with her. Consider inviting her to speak at your conference or convention. She speaks on several subjects including what it takes to shift a paradigm, how we can prevent child sexual abuse, and establishing and enforcing boundaries in life. She also speaks about the world of widowhood (which she has been discovering since her husband died in 2011) and has written a book based on her research into how we develop proficiencies in life entitled “Developing 20/20 Foresight.” (Now available on Kindle)
DELIVER THEM FROM EVIL - Making a difference for incarcerated women.
A new project has recently been piloted in the Oklahoma prison system. Oklahoma leads the world in the number of women incarcerated for non-violent offenses. As high as 90% of incarcerated women were also victims of sexual abuse and the reality is that these women have lost the right to take care of and protect their children - at least while they are locked up. It became clear that a new avenue of prevention was needed for them. Prisons do have a "captive audience" and most of the women in prison want to create a new world free of abuse for their children and families. The program is a ninety-minute workshop that focuses on a few of the warning signs of potential predators and how these mothers can ask the right questions to those caring for their children to help make sure they are safe. In addition, the program promotes a new view of relationships for these women so that they can avoid being at the effect by an abusive or manipulative man or woman intent on trapping the women in future criminal activities.
For more information about this program, contact Sharon at swdkeepingthemsafe@gmail.com.